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Short Story About MARC

Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC) was established on 17 June 1969 as a National Horticultural Research Station in Adama town with five expatriates and thirty Ethiopians with one vehicle to experiment on five hectares of land. The Center was moved to the current place, Melkassa, in search of irrigation water and more spaces in 1983. The aim of the center at its establishment was to coordinate varietal improvement research of horticultural crops that were situated across different locations (Werer, Koka, Jimma and Bako) in Ethiopia. In the early 1970s, additional research programs were included. Lowland Pulse research was a pioneer program established to coordinate the lowland pulses research across the country. Sorghum research program was the third commodity to be included into the center following the establishment of the Ethiopian Sorghum Improvement Project (ESIP) in 1972, which was considered as the landmark for the establishment of formal research on sorghum in Ethiopia.

In 1982, ESIP integrated to the EIAR (the then IAR) and founded as one of the national programs to lead sorghum research based at MARC. In the same year, research in Agricultural Mechanization was launched. Similarly, sericulture technology got attention by the EIAR (the then IAR) in the mid-1970s as a component of coffee diversification following the sudden outbreak of coffee berry disease (CBD) and the devastation of coffee plantation in the country. The program was subsequently discontinued in the late 1980s due to priority concerns. However, the importance of the program was reconsidered and reinitiated in 2000 at MARC. Over the years, the center accommodated Natural Resource Management, Lowland Maize Research, cross cutting departments such as Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension, Food Science, Crop Protection, Agronomy and physiology, 2nd Plant Biotechnology researches.


MARC aspires to see that technological options that have high demand are made available and adopted; the livelihood of the people in dryland and irrigated areas in Ethiopia enhanced and the center attains the status of the Excellencies.


The mission of the center is to introduce, adopt and/or generate appropriate dryland and irrigated agricultural technologies using participatory research and provide service and support that satisfies the agricultural technological needs of stakeholders, to coordinate country research programs and to undertake effective dissemination of such technologies while sustaining the natural resource base.


MARC sustains the commitments included in the following set of core values:

  • Excellence
  • Effectiveness
  • Quality
  • Integrity and professionalism
  • Tolerance and mutual respect
  • Social responsibility and public services
Research Support
total man Power

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