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Sericulture Research Program

Sericulture research conducts both basic and applied research on silkworms specifically on two silkworm races namely, Eri silkworm (Samia cynthia ricini) and mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori). National Sericulture Research program was established in 2001 at MARC with the general objective of improving silk production and productivity in Ethiopia through effective and sustainable technology and information generation, adoption and dissemination. Since the establishment of the research program, the sericulture research has been introducing races of silkworms from major producing countries and also feed plant materials have been collected locally and introduced from abroad for evaluation. Highly performing silkworm strains and feed plant varieties were identified, recommended and distributed to users.
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Research findings of the program have been published on different publications such as production manuals and leaflets. One castor feeding silkworm strain and one mulberry feeding silkworm strain were recommended and distributed to users. Similarly, among feed plants, two castor varieties (Abaro and Hiruy) were recommended and two mulberry varieties (K-2 and S-13) were released. Besides, package of information were generated on silkworm management and post-harvest handling practices, economically important pests of feed plants and diseases of silkworms, agronomic practices for silkworm feed plants. Information was generated on promotion efforts of sericulture technologies and, constraints and opportunities of silk production and marketing aspects. Every year, at least 1000 Disease Free Laying (DFLs) of silkworms, 10000 mulberry cuttings and 400 kg of castor seeds have been multiplied and distributed to different stakeholders to serve as starting materials for silk producers in the country.
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Sericulture is practiced in different agroecologies of Ethiopia. Increased production and improved handling of sericulture greatly assist to increase the income of the semi urban and rural dwellers and provide opportunity for employment. However, the sericulture development endeavors of the country are hampered by a number of constraints such as shortage of skilled human power, inadequate improved technologies and ineffective technology promotion scheme. Sericulture research at Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC) focuses on feed plants varietal development, agronomic and management studies. Through this effort technologies and information have been generated and assisted commercial and small- scale production of silk. Different breeds of silkworms and varieties of feed plants have been recommended for production.
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 Mulberry cuttings distributed to different regions of the country
 Castro seeds distributed to different regions of the country
 Silkworm eggs/larva distributed to different regions of the country

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