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Agricultural Economics


The research department has been instrumental in guiding technology generation, dissemination and utilization. So far, different research projects/activities have been conducted in the areas of technology adoption, value chain analysis/markets and institutions, production economics, seed sytem, farming systems and sector/sub-sector analysis. Through these studies, enablers and barriers of technology adoption, market participation/commercialization, seed systems, production and productivity have been documented and availed to beneficiaries namely policy decision makers, researchers, and producers, in A the form of journal articles, research reports, book chapters and proceedings.
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Technology adoption study

Technology adoption study is a major project in Agricultural Economics. Figure 13 illustrates that the rate of adoption after exposure to improved maize varieties is the highest in Shalla district (75%) followed by Dugda (60%) and the lowest in Adamitulu Jidokombolcha (50%). Similar to the rate of adoption, the speed of adoption follows the same trend across the study areas. The above picture indicates that the laggards fail to adopt the hybrid maize varieties within two years. They learn and adopt slowly until they become certain about a given technology whereas the probability of adoption increases during the later years.
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Major Research Achievements

The AERP has been running various research activities on different topics focusing on crop while few of them were on livestock, climate and natural resources and mechanization. Majority of research reports (publications) focus on common bean and maize crops.

As illustrated below figures, the research program focused on smallholders’ technology adoption, commercialization (market participation), and value chain and seed systems over the past 20 years. Subsequently, research conducted on crop technology adoption and its determinants received significant attention. Regarding geographic areas of the studies, the coverage was mainly limited to the Central Rift Valley (CRV). Most of these studies are case studies targeting one or two districts. Research oriented towards the wider regional and national perspectives were limited.
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Crop technology adoption among smallholder farmers

The main objective of agricultural research initiatives is to generate technologies/packages that can bring positive impacts on livelihoods of beneficiaries in particular and the overall economy at large. Therefore, studies on technology uptake is to generate information that helps to understand what determines the technology uptake and know whether the intended outcomes are realized or not. Hence, analyzing the uptake of technologies by the beneficiaries is an important avenue for getting feedbacks on the accessibility, suitability and applicability of the technology that are useable for setting research agenda. Accordingly, the research program has undertaken various adoption studies in MARC mandate areas.
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Smallholders’ seed production and access

Inefficient seed system is one of the challenges facing the agricultural development program of the country. Analysis of the seed systems (access, supply and demand scenarios) is helpful to determine its performance and challenges along the system. Efforts were made to document the production, distribution and use of improved seeds of maize, common bean and vegetables.
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Market participation (commercialization) behavior of smallholders

Market and institutions (be it formal or informal) analysis is one of agricultural economics research focus areas that helps to generate information on how markets and institutions operate and impact on producers and consumers for efficient utilization of agricultural technologies. Therefore, the purpose of market and institutional studies is to generate accurate and up-to-date data and information to reorient institutional operations and services that promote smallholder commercialization. Accordingly, the research program has undertaken various market and institutional studies in MARC mandate areas.
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