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Agricultural Entomology


Research work on arthropod pests of crops at Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC) started with the establishment of the center as Nazareth Horticultural Crops Research Station in the early 1970s.

Since then, entomological research activities on the mandate crops of MARC including warm season vegetables, tropical and subtropical fruits, tall cereals (sorghum and maize), and lowland pulses mainly common bean have been conducted. Insect pest survey, crop loss assessment and management studies have been conducted on key insect pests of these crops.

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Agricultural Entomological Research conducts both basic and applied research on major insect pests of MARC mandate crops. These include:-

  • Vegetable insect pests (thrips, fruit worms, whiteflies, diamondback moth, spider mites, aphids)
  • Fruit crops insect pests (fruit flies, woolly whiteflies, red scales, white mango scale)
  • Lowland pulses insect pests (bean steam maggots and bruchids)
  • Tall cereal insect pests (stem borers, fall army worm, weevils)
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Studies on insect pest complexes, biology, host suitability, geographic and spatial distribution and control methods (cultural practices, varietal, botanical, biological, host plant resistance, and insecticidal) have been caied out and results are documented in different publications including hand books, conference proceedings, technical manuals, book chapter, books and journal articles. Efforts have also been made to demonstrate and transfer technologies on certain key pests of vegetables such as tomato leaf minor, tuta absoluta, onion and cabbage Studies on the management of key arthropod pests of vegetables, fruits, lowland pulses, maize and sorghum are underway.
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