The research department
has been instrumental in creating linkages, promoting participatory approaches
and enhancing behavioral change of farmers and other stakeholders. The
research team has been working in a number of areas including introducing of new
technologies, promoting community-based seed production, gender and stakeholder’s
linkage. Accordingly, thousands of farmers have been reached every year through
creating awareness at different events (field day, training demonstration and mass
media). From the demonstration fields, impressive yield results were obtained in
improved technologies.
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Likewise, farmers preference
criteria for sorghum, lowland
pulses, maize, onion, tomato,
and pepper were documented.
Besides, the research
department contributed to
the technical capacity
development and livelihood
improvement of farmers and
front level agricultural
development workers.
Moreover, the team has been
playing a vital role in
institutionalizing participatory
research and extension.
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Ethiopia’s agricultural research and extension systems are public services. Agricultural research activities are operated by more than seventy agricultural research centers of federal and regional national state governments, nearly twenty agricultural faculties of universitiesii with fifteen hundred researchers. Since 2002, the government reinforced the extension system by increasing the number of extension workers to sixty thousand and establishing twelve thousand farmer training centers (FTCs); the scale of this public extension services are unparalleled in Africa. Being guided by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), day-to-day extension activities are carried out by field level extension workers who are employed by the regional national state governments under the management of district agricultural offices.
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