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Climate and Geospatial


Climate and Geospatial Research Study

CMIP5 model ensemble-based average percentage change of rainfall over Ethiopia for the near-term (2025 –2049) relative to the baseline period (1975–2005) for the RCP2.6 (top right), RCP8.5 (top left) b) monthly precipitation change relative to baseline period (bottom right) c) rainfall change in annual precipitation for all models (bottom right).
The research achievements of Climate and Geospatial Research of MARC started from conducting informative activities on the general pattern of current climate of specific locations (CRV, Tigray, Amhara and SNNPR) on one hand and, their implications on identified crops production (coffee, sorghum, wheat, maize and lowland pulses) on the other. It is such understanding of local climate pattern that helps the research unit to link the resulting information into seasonal climate and intra-season weather prediction services extension, as well as, searching for crop and locating specific climate risk solutions.
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Spatial patterns of future change in rainfall and mean temperature for 2050in CRV of Ethiopia

The overall findings of the research demonstrate how streamlining climate research through local climate characterization, climate change vulnerability and impacts, as well as possible adaptation responses in crops production is critical; thus, rendering the support for the optimal integration of climate services into agricultural research and development sectors. MARC is a pioneer in launching the climate services and progresses in the country climate research endeavors and achievements. As a result, the values of climate services are taking a momentum in Ethiopia with benefits becoming crystal–clear; resulting into the establishment of National Framework of Climate Services (NFCSs), which is sought to enhance the coordination and networking of benefits and challenges among key climate–agriculture institutions. The launching of Ethiopia Digital Agro Climate Advisory Platform part of bringing all efforts together in a way of making transformation of agriculture research in to digitization and preci¬sion farming.
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Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation

With the growing food security assurance and multiple goals related to development, it is unaffordable to separate climate from the natural resource base; and yet, climate is one element in the spectrum of risks facing Ethiopian agriculture development. According to the recent understanding, the persistence of severe drought in Ethiopia, mainly since 1970s is attributed to the neglect and unsustainable use of natural resources, mainly deforestation and poor farm management practices. For instance, the Congo Basin forest is the source of the bulk moisture laden winds protruding into Ethiopia, resulting in ‘forest assisted rain’(Douglas, 2018). In addition, the uncontrolled exploitative-type tillage practices that expose the soil into the intense and erosive rainfall have hitherto led to the spiral of land degradation.
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Simulated sorghum productivity

Simulated sorghum productivity (grain) expressed in tercile probability of best, normal and worst case scenario under research condition (left) and farmer condition (right) at Mieso (1973–2009).
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Grain yield of Technology and Technology + Information treatment sites of Oromia in 2012 cropping season.
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