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Food Science and Nutrition


Food Science and Nutrition Research

The research department plays an important role on variety release, utilization, and processing of crops. As a result, simple and cost-effective food preservation techniques have been developed and disseminated to many farmers and partners. In addition, a number of research outputs such as physico-chemical, functional properties, and novel nutritious food products from cereals and pulses as well as preservation and processing of fruits and vegetables have been released.

A decade ago, EIAR decided to reinforce its lab system which led to the establishments of Agriculture Quality and Nutrition Research Laboratories Directorate (ANRLD) with the core objective of mainstreaming quality in the research system and develop products that can improve competence of the contemporary market system development. In this regard, food science and postharvest technology research department of MARC reorganized its laboratory functions within ANRLD structure and engaged in quality research. Recently, ANRLD restructured itself into Food Science and Nutrition (FSN). Therefore, currently MARC FSN department involves in addressing the food and nutrition related issues of the agricultural sector in its mandated areas.

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Processed Food displayed

It is believed that research on food science, food processing technology and nutrition at Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC) was started in the mid-1970s with the objective of supporting breeding program in quality analysis and development of improved food products as well as processing methods. The food science and postharvest technology department at MARC is mandated to coordinate nationally food science and postharvest technology research program. Since then different research activities have been conducted on MARC mandated crops to boost their utilization, to enhance the nutrition, processing at home level and for industrial processing such as beans canning. The department also actively participated in crop improvement research by identifying the nutritional and processing qualities of the candidate varieties of crops for registration and release.
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Explained on exhibition

The FSN research department is still engaged on priority areas such as taking part in variety development for industrial use, food making quality and nutritional composition of food crops. It also deals with research issues like adaptation, generation and promotion of appropriate technologies that improve the nutritional status of the population. Identification of varieties with high nutritional value, generation of valuable information on evaluation of food products for export and import substitution and development of entirely new food products are research agenda of the department. The above-mentioned research thematic areas and generation of processing, preservation, handling and packaging technologies for different food items contribute to minimize post-harvest losses of food crops and malnutrition.
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