In addition, the research program is multiplying and supplying breeder seed for wider multiplication by seed companies and farmers’ cooperatives and unions. The supply of the breeder seed has stimulated the production and supply of successive seeds and this has substantially increased Lowland pulses largely common bean production and productivity. Seed production and supply of mung bean is growing and needs improvement. Several research findings and guidelines were published in reputable journals.
Read MoreIn the past, common bean breeding program designed mainly based on bean market class (seed color and seed size). Recently, to make the varietal development program effective, the breeding program clearly defined the farmers’ and consumers’ preferences, traits of interest, and the environments and the farming system for which the breeding is undertaken. Thus, the program identified six product concepts (PCs) for common beans based on market demand (export and local consumption), partners’ requirement, and production statistics so as to get well defined and focused common bean breeding program. The PCs are large white bean (PC1), large red bean (PC2), small white bean (PC3), small red bean (PC4), large speckled (PC5) and large red mottled bean (PC6) (Figure 1). In addition, the breeding program pipeline development is designed for continuous population development by clustering the six PCs in small and large categories.
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