Technology Multiplication and Seed Research (TMSR), earlier called farm management and center development, at Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC) has made a significant effort to produce and supply good quality seeds of improved crop varieties for the different seed producers in addition to various center development activities. TMSR at MARC maintains strong internal seed quality control systems that monitor seed quality from sources to harvest and distribution in collaboration with Oromyia regional agricultural inputs control authority based at Asella and Shashemenne towns. Seed quality test parameters such as physical purity, physiological quality (moisture content, genetic purity, seed germination and vigour) and seed health are used. Advances in seed enhancements, such as coating, priming, pre-germination and pelleting require augmented analysis of seed quality before and after the improvement process. New developments in computer imaging for improved purity and germination/ vigour analyses are being made.
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