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Technology Multiplication and Seed


Technology Multiplication and Seed Research

Technology multiplication and seed research undertakes early generation technology multiplication and supply to different stakeholders and study the seed quality of different seed crops produced by formal and informal seed producers and working on the internal seed quality control. Early generation seeds of improved sorghum, maize, common bean, mung bean and warm season vegetable crops varieties have been multiplied and supplied. Moreover, large amount of planting materials of citrus, banana, papaya, mango, avocado, and improved seeds of major warm season vegetable crops (tomatoes, onions, pepper and etc…) are multiplied in collaborating with respective research programs and distributed to various stakeholders every year.

Technology Multiplication and Seed Research (TMSR), earlier called farm management and center development, at Melkassa Agricultural Research Center (MARC) has made a significant effort to produce and supply good quality seeds of improved crop varieties for the different seed producers in addition to various center development activities. TMSR at MARC maintains strong internal seed quality control systems that monitor seed quality from sources to harvest and distribution in collaboration with Oromyia regional agricultural inputs control authority based at Asella and Shashemenne towns. Seed quality test parameters such as physical purity, physiological quality (moisture content, genetic purity, seed germination and vigour) and seed health are used. Advances in seed enhancements, such as coating, priming, pre-germination and pelleting require augmented analysis of seed quality before and after the improvement process. New developments in computer imaging for improved purity and germination/ vigour analyses are being made.

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 Quality attributes of some lowland maize varieties produced at MARC (2018)


Seed research

Seed research at MARC focuses on major crops of its mandate including lowland pulses, lowland maize, sorghum, finger millets and warm season vegetables. Internally, seed quality control strictly follows the field and laboratory standards at various stages from site selection to source of seed identification, quality testing, seed planting, weeding, pesticides spraying, cultivation, irrigating (if any), harvesting, storing and checking for seed quality. Among the seed quality attributes used for seed supply to producers is the germinability and viability (Table 1). Externally, branches of Oromia National Regional State Agricultural Inputs Control Authority based at Asella and Shashemane towns inspect EGSM from pre-harvest through post-harvest handling both at field and laboratory conditions to certify the seeds. EGS produced at MARC are evaluated by inspectors for stand performance, isolation distance, and off types on field condition. Physical purity, genetic purity, physiologically quality and freeness from seed borne diseases and insect pests are evaluated in lab from seed samples taken from all varieties and seed classes. For example, lab results showed moisture content of 11.3 percent for maize varieties and 12.5 percent for common bean varieties. Physical purity of maize and common bean seed varieties ranged between 99.5–99.9% and 99.4–99.9%, respectively. Similarly, standard germination for maize and common bean seed varieties ranged between 94–96% and 85–92%, respectively. Physical purity, moisture content and standard germination of mung bean seed were 99.9 percent, 12 percent and 94 percent, respectively. Based on the observed results, all seed crops varieties produced in 2019 main cropping season fulfilled the national seed quality standards and recommended for distribution to different stakeholders.
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 Mean infection of common bean seeds with microbes produced under sole and intercrop cropping systems collected from smallholder farmers in three districts of West Hararghe Zone, Eastern Ethiopia
  Trends of EGS multiplication in tons from 1983/84–2018/19 years by TMSR at MARC
  Number of seed samples produced under sole and intercrop systems meeting the minimum Ethiopian national seed standards for certified and emergency seeds

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