Vertebrate pests refer to birds, mammals, or reptiles that cause damage to agricultural crops and other resources. Common examples include mice, rabbits, raccoons, and deer. These pests can negatively impact food production and farming efforts.
Vertebrate pest research conducts both basic and applied research on vertebrate pests mainly rodents and birds infesting major cereals, lowland pulses, and horticultural crops. Secondary information on grain eating bird (Quelea quelea) population, and control methods were collected and quelea roosting and breeding sites have been identified for future prediction of migratory root of quelea in the Central Rift Valley and lowland MARC mandated areas.Besides, rodent pest species infesting major crops both in the field and storage have been identified, documented and their pest status in Ethiopia has been determined. Studies on management (rodenticidal) of field rodents (mole-rates) have been carried out both in the laboratory and field conditions and the results were published.
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